[X4U] max number of recipients in Mail

Stroller MacMonster at myrealbox.com
Mon Nov 29 10:09:05 PST 2004

On Nov 29, 2004, at 9:50 am, silvo conticello wrote:
> What is the maximum number of recipients in Mail?

I believe the below posting answers your question.

I recently had a customer who had problems sending messages with a 
large number of recipients in the BCC entry. Mail gave an error 
dialogue upon sending that said her ISP had rejected one of the 
recipients as invalid, but failed to say which one. I resolved this by 
enabling Postfix on the customer's machine, after which messages with 
hundreds of BCCs (it's a mailing list of club-members) went through 
flawlessly; I hope you find this useful.


On Apr 17, 2004, at 10:01 pm, Charles Martin wrote:
>> From: Sandra Guffey <sguffey at earthlink.net>
>> I am running Panther 10.3.3 on an iMac and using Mail 1.3.4.  I have
>> the item in preferences unchecked to show all recipients addresses 
>> when
>> sending email  to group.  However when I send to the group, the
>> addresses show in the "To" area.  Any ideas on how to fix this?
> Yes.
> Employ the BCC field (option-command-b) and put the group names in 
> there. Put your own address (or one that you don't mind everyone 
> seeing) into the To: field.
>>   Also
>> is there a limit to the number of addresses in a group.
> This varies by ISP. Earthlink is very strict, .Mac a little less so.
> As you've discovered, Mail only lets you do about 40 or so at a time 
> -- this is an anti-spam measure and although it's inconvenient in your 
> case, the protection it provides against abuse is well worth the 
> inconvenience I find.
> Divide your larger groups into two groups (such as "Friends A-L" and 
> "Friends M-Z" for example) and send each group the same message (iow, 
> two mailings) to avoid the problem.
> If you do this on a regular basis, you might want to activate the 
> Postfix SMTP server that's built into OS X. That's what I've done 
> (since I handle the mailing list for a community group with over 200 
> members). It's not a walk in the park, but it's not terribly difficult 
> (sort of requires a broadband connection, though ...).

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