On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 04:07:46PM -0500, Michael Elliott wrote: : : On Sep 30, 2004, at 9:01 AM, Jim Freeman wrote: : : >So I allocated more storage to iDisk - it took me a while to figure : >out how. And I proceed to to back up a folder with 50 megs of Word and : >PowerPoint files. It took forever. How useful can this service be when : >it's sooo sloooow? : : Well, are you changing all 50 megs of files every day? I basically : only change a few spreadsheets on a regular basis...sheets for my : checking, savings, etc accounts, and some other finances. Those : update in a minute or two when I save them. Just some math for everyone. If a person has a basic DSL packages with 384 kbps downloads will most likely get 128 kbps uploads, which comes to 16 KB/s. To upload 50 MB of data, i.e. 51200 KB, that would be: 51200 KB 1 s 1 min -------- x ------- x ------- = 53.3 minutes 1 16 KB 60 s If iDisk seems slow, it may not exactly be Apple's fault. The slowdown might be due to one's own Internet connection. -- Eugene Lee http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/