I had my first real iChat session today: my parents on one end in California and me with my kids in Montreal. Set up was great. We both plugged in and it just worked. I had previously set up an iChat account for my father so that helped. Of course it took him a long time to figure out that he needed to press the "accept" button. But then we were up and running. For our purposes it was a little awkward. The kids (2 and 4 yrs) wanted to put their faces right in the computer, which means they can't be seen. And it's hard to carry on a real conversation over built-in speakers/microphone (new 12" G4 powerbook on my end). Next time we'll try a plug-in headphones/microphone. The other challenge with kids is that they are constantly in motion and apparently fast movement doesn't transmit very well. iChat seems to be great for talking heads but less great for hyper kids. My parents complained that they got a lot of colored squares on the screen. Jim