[X4U] iPhoto library not found

Jeff Winchester jeffw at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Oct 5 10:24:12 PDT 2004

On Oct 05, 2004, at 1:08 PM, Neil wrote:

> All of a sudden, every time I try to launch iPhoto it tells me that my
> iPhoto library wasn't found.  As far as I know, that library should be 
> on my
> startup drive.  I'm pretty sure I haven't moved it nor deleted it.  I 
> ran
> Disk Utility's repair permissions twice, but that didn't help.  I 
> selected
> the "find" button in the error message, but the files that look like
> candidates are all greyed out.  In particular, I went to 
> ~/pictures/iPhoto
> library/albums/photo library, but that was grey.  Does anybody have any
> ideas?  Thanks,

 From a terminal window, type

     defaults read com.apple.iPhoto RootDirectory

and see if this matches where you expect to find your iPhoto library. 
If not, do a

     defaults write com.apple.iPhoto RootDirectory your_path_here

to specify a new path. For example, I'd do

     defaults write com.apple.iPhoto RootDirectory 
"/Users/jeff/Pictures/iPhoto Library"

on my machine to set the path.

Jeff Winchester
jeffw at tampabay.rr.com

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