[X4U] Personal Antispam X3

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Sun Oct 10 14:26:17 PDT 2004

On 10/10/04 11:22 PM, "Paul Moortgat" <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote:

> A couple of weeks??  I get a few hundred spams a day.  Everything is
> set.  I assumed that when I write a name (can't be clearer than that)
> should be banned the next time that name appears again.  What training
> is need for that?

Have you read the manual? Have you checked the settings, such as adding the
senders of messages that are marked as spam to the blacklist?

What do you mean "when I write a name"? (It's not clear...)

                  Forthcoming book: iPod & iTunes Garage
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