[X4U] Emailing a Web Page

Frank Eves gold_eagle at mac.com
Thu Oct 21 16:07:29 PDT 2004

>> On 10/21/04 1:59 PM, Pete Zimowski <petez at mac.com> wrote:
>> On her old Windoze machine
>> she would do emailings by going to one of her catalog pages, and
>> selecting something like (I'm sorry I don't know the correct
>> terminology for this) "Email this Page" from her Windoze IE.

On 21-Oct-04, at 3:35 PM, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:

> I don't believe this can be done with Mail.app, but I do think it can 
> be
> done with Entourage using 3rd-party AppleScript(s). Doubtfully as 
> simple as
> it is in Windows, however...

Although it's not quite the same thing I really like the "Send Link" 
feature that's available in Camino, FireFox and OmniWeb. It 
automatically places a link to the pages URL in your default mail 

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