[X4U] Re: Emailing a web page

Carol Weber Mckee carolwm at netins.net
Thu Oct 21 20:06:34 PDT 2004

> On 10/21/04 1:59 PM, Pete Zimowski <petez at mac.com> wrote:
>> I have a friend who's moving from Windoze to a new iMac.  She has a
>> business, and sells stuff via a web page.  On her old Windoze machine
>> she would do emailings by going to one of her catalog pages, and
>> selecting something like (I'm sorry I don't know the correct
>> terminology for this) "Email this Page" from her Windoze IE.  I guess
>> it then opens Outlook Express, allowing her to address the email and
>> send the web page.

Netscape has  Send WebPage and Send Link options.

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