[X4U] Problems authenticating with airport.

Jeff Carruthers jeff at carruthers.com
Sat Oct 23 20:57:06 PDT 2004

Robert: what's the signal strength when you join or try to join?

Also, what channel are you trying to use and what other channels are 
being used in the building and how does their signal strength compare?

And if you move the base station and your computer around, does this 
help reduce the problem?

With the Airport, all of the channels actually overlap, so if there is 
a lot of 802.11b activity around you, this could be part of the 

 From what I've read, the channels with the least overlap between them 
and therefore the best to use to minimize interference are channels 1, 
6 and 11. However, you need to know what other channels are active to 
pick the best channel to use.

I believe you can also have the Airport basestation use a robust 
setting to reduce the interference.

Hope this helps.

Jeff Carruthers

On Oct 23, 2004, at 9:31 PM, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Does anybody know why in a highrise I have to attempt to connect 
> multiple times before I get a successfull connection?
> Specifically, I select my basestation but I frequently get the error 
> trying to join network panel but when I keep trying it eventually 
> connects. But when it finally connects it has no problem staying 
> connected.
> So why is it so unreliable authenticating?
> I'm operating on a channel that most folks aren't using in my building.
> I'm using WEP since I cannot use WPA as I'm not using an Exteme card.
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J-K Carruthers Limited          Tel: 613-267-3890; cell: 613-720-2350
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