[X4U] Emailing a Web Page

peter.frings at agfa.com peter.frings at agfa.com
Mon Oct 25 00:52:09 PDT 2004

on 2004/10/22 22:26, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:

>>> Although it's not quite the same thing I really like the "Send Link"
>>> feature that's available in Camino, FireFox and OmniWeb. It
>>> automatically places a link to the pages URL in your default mail
>>> client.
>> You can add a 'favelet' to your bookmarks bar that will create a mail
>> message including the page's URL.
> This is not what has been requested. The original poster wants to send an
> HTML message via e-mail that consists of a Web page.

I know, -- look at the first quoted line ("although it's not quite the same
thing...") -- I just picked in on the 'send link' feature of Camino, FireFox
and Omniweb.

To get the full content, maybe you could make a Quartz-filter so you can
have an action in the Print Dialog to save the web page as PDF and open it
with Mail. Never tried those things, but I guess it should be doable...


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