[X4U] Airport Express

Nancy Spoolman nanc at spoolman.com
Sat Oct 30 18:18:09 PDT 2004

A week or so ago I emailed the list about my Airport Express. Someone 
said to make sure I have the Airport Admin Utility 4.0. I cannot find 
my CD that came with the Airport Express and I cannot find the 4.0 
Airport Admin Utility for the Mac. I have the Airport Express Setup 
Utility. I'm unable to reconfigure the Airport with the 3.4 version of 
the Airport Admin utility. Any suggestions? It really bugs me to have 
lost this CD, but I've looked and looked and it's gone. I'm afraid I 
had it at work when I first got the Airport Express and since then I 
cleaned and tossed things in my office due to rearranging and getting 
another person in our Department. So.... I'm afraid it's gone. If that 
CD had the Airport Admin Utility 4.0 then I'm OOL.

What is happening is, whenever the computer goes to sleep, I have to 
reconfigure the Airport Express to join it again. Sometimes that 
doesn't even work. I've tried to do the paper clip thing and reset it 
entirely, but it still won't reset completely.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I'm sorry I must 
have missed the feedback previously.  :(


"Sorrow looks back. Worry looks around. Faith looks UP!"

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