Well, thanks for all of your information regarding the IP address of a printer. All that's left is to win this auction! But on another note, I've been on OSX since last Weds and have gotten the "prohibitive sign" (zero with a slash thru it) upon startup about 3 times. Then last night I got a "crash" (see pics below) and then the startup screen looked all wacky. Here are some pics: http://www.netsnapshot.com/pcw/b?KEY=111&ACCOUNT=684 I ran fsck -y and even started up from my Jaguar CD and fixed the disk. It said it was OK tho. So I turned off all of my scsi peripherals, still got the prohibitory sign (I always do) but it started up OK and it's been on all day as I'm afraid to turn it off! Any thoughts on this new exciting adventure? Deb in Rhode Island