[X4U] Kernel panics and video issues

Deborah Puerini lovesalsa at cox.net
Tue Apr 5 14:55:40 PDT 2005

>> But on another note, I've been on OSX since last Weds and have gotten
>> the "prohibitive sign" (zero with a slash thru it) upon startup about
>> 3 times. Then last night I got a "crash" (see pics below) and then the
>> startup screen looked all wacky. Here are some pics:
>> http://www.netsnapshot.com/pcw/b?KEY=111&ACCOUNT=684
> That's it, I'm submitting a feature request to the LKML. "kernel
> panics" should be renamed "whacky screens" and should hi-jack your
> browser to full screen if at all possible.
> Stroller.

> Deborah,
> OK the image on the left is called a Kernel Panic (a bit like the old
> system error). The image on the right suggests a video issue.
> OS X is more discerning than OS 9 so there are a few things that may
> cause the kernel panic.
> Did this machine have any additional 3rd party RAM added?, a new
> video card? Is the SCSI card standard?
> Try removing any additional cards that have been added to the machine
> or any non standard (non Apple) RAM.
> What model machine are we talking about anyway?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Mark (}-:
Stroller: Oh so THAT'S what a kernel panic looks like! Never saw a 
picture of it. How are we supposed to know that's what it is? I thought 
this list was for questions.....<sigh>

Mark: It's a G3 B&W Rev 1, which I think that's why all this panic-ing 
and stuff is going on. Put another video card in and all is well today. 
I know all about CUDA and have done that before. Works great.

Did turn *off* all the scsi things, but to remove additional cards and 
all that? Then this machine would be pretty useless to me. Might as 
well go back to OS9 where I can actually get stuff done. I have read OS 
X is pickier than 9. Well at least cox.net is apparently keeping all my 
email on their server (checking through the web mail page, finding over 
300 messages from when I first went full force on X) - but I have been 
getting all that email on Apple Mail smooth as silk.

I think the best answer is to get a mini alongside the B&W and run both 
at the same time with a KVM switch. Then EVERYTHING would work!

I do appreciate all of the information, it has been quite a learning 

Deb in Rhode Island

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