[X4U] Re: ATA hard drives

Michael J. Prevost mprevost at dot4.com
Thu Apr 7 06:44:12 PDT 2005

>  > And what drives can I use... the g4 is ultra ATA?   what drives can't I
>  > use (I believe I cannot use SATA drives)?
>  >
>  > any info appreciated, sorry for the generalized question,
>Internal ATA drives are limited to 128 GB. For larger drives, you'll need a
>133 MHz card to extend that capacity or revert to FW. For drives, I'm sold
>on Hitachi/IBM deskstars.

Can I chip in a specific question about Deskstar drives... Are you 
experiencing any spin up behavior problems.

I have an 80GB unit, one of the 7K250 family (HDS722580VLAT20). It's 
in my 400MHz G4 sawtooth. Using it as my boot drive.  Using the 
parallel interface on the drive, not the SATA.


The problem is that the drive is spinning down when not being used 
(energy saver settings not to blame) which occasionally causes the 
system to hang/crash. The Auto Spin Disable is NOT jumpered, which I 
interpret  to mean that the drive should keep spinning as long as 
power is applied.

Defective drive? Or expected behavior?


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