[X4U] Re: Let's start the FUD presses.

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Sat Apr 16 21:49:41 PDT 2005

On Apr 16, 2005, at 8:25 PM, Stroller wrote:

>  I REALLY want them to introduce a NextStep- / BeOS-alike launcher cum 
> application menu (top right in 
> <http://beos.pixay.com/pics/beos_01.png>) and to start underlining 
> shortcut titles when I press ALT, so I know which button to press next 
> to activate  the shortcut.

Clarification... whatever that launcher is, it was never a part of 
NeXTSTEP or OpenStep, which had a dock.

The *Step dock was "fixed".  You'd get however many icons you could fit 
down the right (*) side if your screen.  It contained running and not 
running apps.  If you started another app that wasn't on the Dock, its 
icon went down to the bottom left of the screen and started working its 
way across.

(*) if you were an uber-hacker you could move it to the left side by 
using a 'defaults write'


ps - best launcher I've seen thus far, NeXTStep and beyond, is LaunchBar

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