[X4U] vaporware - Tiger v. M$ Longhorn

Steve Self steveself at mac.com
Tue Apr 19 16:12:00 PDT 2005

Speaking of the upcoming Tiger OSX... From Wired:

Vaporware Award #3. Microsoft's Longhorn

Microsoft's successor to Windows XP was originally promised to ship in 
2004, though the company subsequently pushed the launch date to 3015 or 
something. Obviously, Microsoft won't be able to finish the code until 
it's had a peek at Apple's forthcoming Tiger.

Bill Restemeyer suggested it be renamed "Longwait."

The company also cut a core feature, a new "revolutionary" file system 
called WinFS.

Steve Story said, "WinFS has been vaporware for over a decade, and 
recently a delay of many more years was announced. (2008 has been 
bandied about.) Somewhere, Microsoft programmers are spending their 
entire careers on a single piece of vaporware."

Steven "Harley" Davidson said, "If Microsoft keeps on pushing back the 
dates for Longhorn and removing features from it, they might as well 
just promise to bundle it with other famous vaporware...

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