[X4U] Password Expiration?

James S Jones jsjones at mac.com
Thu Apr 21 15:02:35 PDT 2005

You may want to take a look at this:


This physician office developed their own Mac-only office system and 
claim it's HIPPA compliant. They may be willing to share their 
experience with you.

On 04/21/05, Peter Krug <pkrug at mac.com> wrote:
> Alright folks,  this is a biggie and I need your help.  I work in a
> diagnostic/research lab and we all use macs for day-to-day operations.
> However, the university that we work at has been doing a HIPPA/IT audit
> and said that any computer with patient information must have its
> password expire every 120 days.
> I looked this over:
> http://www.bombich.com/mactips/activedir.html
> but I don't have any active directory experience, so I think maybe a
> standalone utility is a better option.
> This web site says no:
> http://diveintoosx.org/faq/
> But I'm hoping they are wrong.

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