[X4U] iTunes: How to know if a playlist fits on a CD

DZ-Jay dz at caribe.net
Fri Apr 29 10:31:53 PDT 2005

Jeffrey Stormshak wrote:
> When I click on any Playlist in iTunes 4.7 is states at the bottom of 
> the itunes footer the "Total # of songs, Hours, and Size of the entire 
> playlist in Megabytes" -  Hope that helps!  I'm assuming this is the 
> default preference since I don't recall enabling this -

Yes, I am aware of that, and that is what I have used.  But like I 
stated in my original post, the size of the playlist reflects the size 
of the files, which will change once you encode them into the proper 
format for the Audio CD.

Also, as was pointed out in a previous post, if you click that status 
bar, it'll change from fractional hours (i.e. 1.2 Hours), to hours and 
minutes (i.e. 1:10:00 Hours), which is more friendly.


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