[X4U] Tiger and aliases etc...

James S Jones jsjones at mac.com
Wed Aug 3 12:30:49 PDT 2005

 From this Mac, still running 10.3.9, the Network icon has the same 
properties you describe (and the same as my PowerBook running 10.4.2). 
It is, itself, an alias to /Network, which is a hidden directory much 
like /Volumes. The alias is owned by the system, with no access 
allowed, and is locked. The original has these UNIX properties:

drwxr-xr-x    1 root      wheel        512  3 Aug 12:15 Network

The only way I can see for you to make a desktop alias of the Network 
icon would be to change its default ownership and permissions, which 
ought (I would think) then to be set back any time you repair 
permissions. Do you recall doing this at some point in the past?

On Aug 3, 2005, at 11:38 AM, Richard Gilmore wrote:

> ...I was not able to drag the Network icon to the desktop. It said I 
> had insufficient
> privileges even though I was logged in as the admin. In Panther I am 
> able to this
> no problem. I like to have to there so I don't have to open a finder 
> window to
> access other machines on the network. It's not a big deal but I was 
> surprised that
> I could no longer do this.

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