[X4U] Dual G5 spontaneous rebooting

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Thu Aug 4 20:39:24 PDT 2005

On Aug 4, 2005, at 9:42 PM, James S Jones wrote:

> Are you using Console to read the logs? If you reveal the shelf in  
> a Console window, there's an icon to open the Logs drawer. Take a  
> look in the console and panic logs, as well as the crash logs for  
> the apps that were open prior to the restart (including Finder).
> On Aug 4, 2005, at 7:11 PM, Nick Scalise wrote:
>> Maybe, where is the log of that activity? Nothing in the system  
>> log...
>> Everyone was asleep. No known poltergeists.

Yes, I am using Console. Not much in the Console log, can't see any  
Panic log. Is Panic the proper name for the log?

I looked in the Crash log for Thoth and Finder - the only two apps  
open at the time and there were no entries for the time in question.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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