[X4U] airport connectivity

eleventhvolume colin at eleventhvolume.com
Mon Aug 15 11:10:46 PDT 2005

> Once I have made the connection I can do anything I want except
> upload firmware. Is the basestation just fried or am I doing
> something wrong ? I`ve tried to be complete as possible.
Some of that sounds like things I tried when I experienced my Netgear
wireless modem failing in the way you described. The only thing that sorted
it, as far as I can tell, was undertaking a hard reset, in particular
ensuring that the reset button was held in for 15+ seconds. When I did the
same for only 5 seconds previously it didn't work.

Can you either borrow another machine with a wireless card to tell whether
it's your computer or not - or - take your basestation somewhere else and
test it with someone else's setup. From your description it's not clear
whether you can connect continuously to your neighbour's network or only see

Longshots I know, but hth. Cheers, Colin.

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