PJ Bearstein wrote: > Hi all, > I cannot if I posted this before, so I am > asking again. I have noticed that the Junk Mail lists junk mail > messages, but the Junk Mail window lists 0 messages read. I checked the > Junk Mail setting in Mail, but am at a loss as to what is amiss. I am > using Panther (10.3.9) on my G4 Sawtooth. Any thoughts? Thanks for any > info. > > Jim (aka PJ Bearstein) My take on that is, if your incoming mail filters command Junk Mail to go directly into the Junk Mail folder as soon as it identifies them, they will show up in that folder identified as Not Read. The reason is, you never physically opened the file. If you'll look at the top of the messages pane, the green "click to sort by read" status button is still there. If you had opened the message, that button would be gone. Please note, this explanation applies to Netscape 7.2. If you are using some other mail reader, such as Apple's Mail, I've no idea HOW it treats read vs. unread mail... ;-) keith whaley