[X4U] Can't connect to other computers

Allan Rube ¹ allan at nhbungalow.com
Sat Aug 27 08:21:13 PDT 2005

I am confused then. How can I connect to the PC? I looked at system
preferences file sharing. Under services I have personal ad printer sharing
on. I shut the firewall off to see if that helped - no. I have internet
sharing off - then on (built in Ethernet) but it makes no difference.


Doug McNutt wrote:

> At 23:00 -0400 8/26/05, Allan Rube' wrote:
>> I haven't tried to connect with either of them in several weeks. Meanwhile,
>> I have updated to 10.4.2 from 10.4 on both Macs.
> It isn't the answer unless you haven't connected since the 10.4.0
> installation. But. . .
> Apple deliberately disabled AppleTalk over Ethernet with the introduction of
> Tiger. That messed up some SMB connections too. I believe SMB was quickly
> fixed but the disconnect of any Macintoshes running less than OS 8.5 was
> deliberate and permanent.
> You must connect over IP with other Macs.


Nashua, New Hampshire

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