That's a toughie, opening a browser usually leads to the hotel's provider's site to login with the prepaid card from the hotel. Thinking out loud a bit, throwing out some dumb ideers to brainstorm: (1) does he get the same result with multiple browsers? (2) Is the Network Pref locked to Automatic? (3) Has the iBook connected wirelessly in hotels before or is this a first? On Aug 28, 2005, at 18:04 , Samantha Cornell wrote: > My father has called, from the road, and is having problems > connecting to wireless networks at hotels. He is running 10.2 on a > G4 iBook with an airport card. They regularly use the airport card > at home, so I doubt that is the problem. > > He is able to select the network in the airport menu, and it shows > a strong signal, but Safari is unable to resolve any URLs. I did > have him change his location to "automatic" in his network > preferences (it had been set to Comcast), but it did not help. > > I'm stuck here, and he's frustrated. I know that Comcast > configured the iBook for their network, and I'm wondering if they > would have set it up in a way that somehow makes this difficult. > > I would greatly appreciate any pointers. They've had alot of > problems with this Ibook lately, and are threatening to go back to > Dell (ugh...) They have had to send it in twice in the past month > for logic board replacements, and the second time Apple forgot to > put the batter back in, and then took two weeks to ship the > battery. I would love to help them get online on the road with > this, I want them to have a good experience. > > Thanks! > > Samantha > _______________________________________________ > X4U mailing list > X4U at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random > stuff: > >