[X4U] iphoto errors

Milton van der Veen miltonlist at hurontel.on.ca
Fri Dec 2 21:29:24 PST 2005

Check the Ownership & Permissions (Command/I) on the files and see  
that your user on the MacMini has permission for them. They may still  
be owned by the user on the iMac.


On Nov 28, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Robert Ashton wrote:

> I have a friend that just bought a new macmini. She had some jpgs  
> on her old imac that we transfered to her new machine. When we  
> tried to bring the photos into iphoto but we get an unreadable file  
> error. If the files where corrupt I could understand this error but  
> we can load the files into preview and see the pictures. We tried  
> both importing and dragging  the jpgs into iphoto but always got  
> the same error. Any one that has an idea on how to solve this we  
> would be thankful. Bob  Latest iphoto. and 10.4.3

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