... > Is it feasible to so this on a Mac mini with a single ethernet port? > I'm wondering if I can use ifconfig to 'alias' the external IP address > to the same ethernet port that has our internal address. I know it > would be better to have two network cards but I don't have a G5 or > XServe spare to do this with. ... I'm not sure what you're trying to do here... ... If you want to use the Mac Mini as a (NAT) router then it won't work. I looked into this fairly extensively - admittedly under Linux rather than Mac OS X, but it shouldn't make any difference - trying to route through a single physical interface causes packet collisions and slowdowns & all manner of Bad Things. It might work _extremely slowly_ ... It really depends on the load and various network speeds involved. If you've got a DSL line that tops out at a megabit and the Mini is hooked up at 100 Mbps, I don't see a problem. It also depends on the application load. The best thing is to be much more clear and detailed in your question. Craig