[X4U] Powerbook question

Stan Gould groups at stangould.com
Sat Dec 17 13:18:03 PST 2005

I have the same model -- G3 Pismo, 400mhz. I can't answer your first 
question, but can the second. I bought it new, and finally (about a year 
ago) upgraded to OSX (10.3.3). Memory is an issue. It was a bit slow, 
until I upgraded from 128 to 640 mb. Works fine -- not as fast as my 
wife's G5 iMac -- but quite well.


eleventhvolume wrote:

>I've inherited a G3 Powerbook in fine physical condition - it's a firewire
>model with the semi-transparent keyboard. Lovely piece of kit, arguably as
>elegant as the current Powerbooks. Two problems: firstly it won't start up
>and secondly it has a zip drive instead of a cd drive. My two questions are
>- if I get it repaired, will I be able to install OSX on it by doing
>target-disk mode from my Albook?
>- will OSX run serviceably on the machine or will it be painfully slow?
>If the answer's positive on both these counts I'll go ahead and get it
>Thanks for any help you can give.
>All the best, Colin.
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