A few years ago, even BEFORE Palm stopped attending Macworld Expos, I gave up on the platform after making NO headway for years when I'd complain about the deficiencies in the basic bundled Palm applications. The most glaring of these was in the Contacts database, which steadfastly refused to allow one to enter separate work and home addresses for one's contacts. That was OK when the basic Palm had something like 16 kilobytes of RAM, but as memory became cheaper the deficiencies became more glaring. I bought a PocketPC, struggled to make it work with Macs, and eventually gave up on that as well, returning to writing notes on scraps of paper that I lose. I now store names and phone numbers in my BlueTooth phone, but I'd love an organizer that would sync to Entourage. For some reason just today I visited the Palm website and discovered that some time during my absence the company has realized that people do live and work in different places, and that a handheld is a good place to store such information about one's contacts. I've been away from that platform for a few years, and I'm interested in hearing opinions from people who use Palm devices. How good is synchronization to the Mac? Can synchronization software remember categories, multi-day events in the calendar, recurring events with custom repeats (third Thursday of every month, last Friday of every month, etc.). Does one need to purchase third party software to do the synchronizations? Do the built-in sync services in Tiger serve any purpose when talking with Palms? Both PocketMac and the Missing Sync for Windows mobile seem to collapse at the worst times trying to talk to Pocket PC devices. Besides, my iPAQ is too big and bulky. Should I be looking again at a Palm device? Thanks so much, Jim Robertson --