[X4U] Tiger System Files appear that should be hidden

Spoolman Nancy nanc at spoolman.com
Wed Dec 21 15:55:43 PST 2005

Thanks for the info. From what I could find by reading the article,  
it works for the image you have ready to use when Netbooting, but  
doesn't explain how to get it to hide those visible files when the  
computers are already cloned. I'll send this on to the other Tech so  
he can "FIX" the image.

Thanks again! If you have any other command-line steps, please let me  
know. I have a computer I can test it on.


On Dec 21, 2005, at 11:52 AM, John Baltutis wrote:

> On 12/21/05, Spoolman Nancy <nanc at spoolman.com> wrote:
>> This Fall we received new G5 iMacs in. The normal route is to set one
>> up with what is needed on them for the particular lab/building. Then
>> I would clone using SuperDuper! (I used to use asr.) My life became
>> so busy with our new student program I was unable to set up the
>> computers this year. They had hired a guy to help out. His knowledge
>> was PC only. This was done while I was out of town at a training
>> workshop. Whatever copy program he used, left system files that
>> should be hidden, out in the open. They look like alias'. My fear is
>> that a teacher is going to toss one of these folders and hose the
>> system, even though we've said not to. Some just don't always hear
>> correctly. Anyway, the guy is new to Macs so wasn't sure which
>> folders should appear at the root level.
>> The folders that show up are: etc, tmp, var and volumes. All but the
>> Volumes folder looks like an alias.
>> Is there a command or something that would help me to hide these  
>> files?
> Kinown problem. See <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html? 
> artnum=301677> for
> details on to fix this.
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