[X4U] help with ilife 05 insstall

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Wed Feb 9 23:25:48 PST 2005

Hi Kansas,

I've had to do a lot of this lately with a number of designers.

What I've been doing is first rebooting as has been mentioned. This helps 
clean up any swap files.

I then turn on "Calculate Folder Sizes" for the Startup drive and do the 
sums on the 4 main folders to make sure that they tally correct. You can 
also turn down folders (in list view) to see what is taking up room. This 
helps you to determine if there's wasted stuff you don't want or if you do 
indeed have a discrepancy in what should be available and what IS 

I Get Info on the Startup to see what it says its total capacity is and 
what it thinks it is using. If the sums of the folders tally to 4GB and it 
says it is using 6GB then you know you have 2GB worth of invisible stuff 
to get rid of.

BTW, make sure you check the Trash folder too... that has caught me out a 
few times.

I then use Tinkertool to make all invisibles visible. With "calculate 
folders" still on you can click on the size column so all the biggest 
stuff rises to the top.

I've found that stuff collects inside the Private/tmp folder. There are a 
few others that I've cleaned out some very large temp files from but I 
don't remember what they were... they were glaringly obvious at the time.

Of course don't just start deleting hidden stuff willy-nilly or you may 
find it's the last time you boot up successfully.

Anyway, that may help.



Kansas Territory <kansast at mac.com>

Unfortunately, my OSX partition is about 10GB
and I"m currently using up about 8GB

and I"m wanting to install iLife 05, which requires about 4GB.. if I 
want to install everything.

I'm trying to figure out what the heck is taking up 8GB in the first 
place ?
my iTunes library is stored on an external Firewire drive.
Also, my iPhoto library is stored on an external Firewire drive.

I've gone thought my files etc in my home directory.   It's not like i 
got much going on in that directory.
any suggestions where I might could look ?  figure out what's takin' up 
so much room ?

OR is there a way. that when I go to install iLife 05..  could I maybe 
just install Garage Band on another drive other than my main OSX 
partition ?
Because it seems like a good bit of this 4GB that is needed to install, 
is on account of Garage Band.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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