Craig A. Finseth fin at finseth.com
Thu Feb 10 11:20:45 PST 2005

    I understand that running FSCK can be a good utility idea -  however I know
   nothing about it. 

   Can anyone briefly explained why this is necessary and where can read about
   using it?

Fsck is the Unix file system check and repair utility.

Normally, it is run at boot time to verify file systems.  If the
machine was shutdown properly, it runs very fast. If the machine
crashed, it may take while.

If your file system is really toasted, you may even see some of the
output.  Choose your favorite disk repair utility.

You would normally never run this program manually and, in fact, doing
so on a disk volume that is open (i.e., shows in the finder) will
cause it to show spurious errors.

It is only ever safe to run in single user mode.  (See your favorite
Unix book to explain that.)  If you don't know what single user mode
is, don't run the program (:-).


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