[X4U] Re: Linux on Virtual PC

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Tue Feb 15 09:59:45 PST 2005

> I finally tried a Debian Woody and by now everything is going fine. I 
> did a minimal installation. The network was detected out of the box and 
> right now apt-get is updating packages to upgrade the distribution to 
> unstable. Next step will be to try to get X working, but even if it 
> does not it's enough for what I wanted.
> -- fxn

Cool, I'll have to give that a try.  For what I need, a very minimal Woody
install is more than enough.  I don't even want X11, as I just need to run
one or two console based app's that won't run on the Mac (largely x86 ASM),
though they might not be able to handle VPC7's networking.


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