Hello, X4U fanatics attending Macworld are welcome to propose the site and time for the meeting of the 50th International X4U sub-subsymposium at Macworld SF 2005. I suggest Wenesday Jan 12, 2005 after the birds of a feather meetings end at 7PM. I assume that the BOF's will be in the same general area of Moscone. Keep an eye out for Post 7PM parties and free food and booze from vendors.[VERY IMPORTANT]. Even if you blow off the X4U meeting, you must post the party details near the BOF rooms. Party details and invitations for the hard to attend parties with free food and booze for the rest of the week are also to be posted outside the BOF rooms every day. Make sure that the carnation you wear is fresh. Embroidered X4U patches on leather jackets are optional. X4U tatoo's (press on or real) are also optional. John F. Richardson