[X4U] When is Keynote?

Kevin Avery pipergeek at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 07:13:52 PST 2005

So will any of the Mac news websites have a "reporter" at the keynote
and be posting updates to their website?

Kevin Avery

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 10:00:36 -0500, Mark Des Cotes
<mark at astroprinting.com> wrote:
> This was just posted on MacWorld's web site...
> Apple to delay webcast of Jobs keynote
> By Peter Cohen pcohen at maccentral.com
> On Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM Pacific Time, Apple Computer Inc. CEO
> Steve Jobs will deliver the keynote address for Macworld Conference &
> Expo in San Francisco, Calif. Unlike years past, however, there will be
> no live webcast of Jobs' keynote speech.
> In a statement released this morning, Apple confirmed that it will
> webcast the keynote -- but doesn't plan to do so until 6:00 PM Pacific
> Time Tuesday, nine full hours after Jobs' keynote is scheduled to
> begin. No specific reason was cited in Apple's decision to delay the
> webcast.

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