[X4U] Restrict Network Activity to Local

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Wed Jan 12 23:49:45 PST 2005

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Paul Biddlecomb wrote:

> Got a question for all of you.
> We're trying to set up some iMacs for one of our departments.  They
> want users to be highly restricted as to their network capabilities.
> They want access limited to the local network, possibly down to one
> or two sub-nets.  But the Administrator will need to have full
> access, for software updates.  Is this possible running OSX 10.3.x?
> I've looked at everything I can think of, but have had no luck.
> Thanks for your help,
> Paul

I would think it would be easiest to do that at the router level, leaving
a hole to the internet for the admin's computer but sealing off everyone
else's. Software updates can be scp'ed from the admin's computer to the
other users' machines.


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