*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro* You have to disable Safari as the default for opening 'http:' URLs. Personally, I bought my 9 year old BumperCar, <http://www.freeverse.com/ bumpercar/>. Once you have another kid-safe browser, just set those prefs in Safari to list the new browser as default. -- Andy Fragen On Thu, Jan 13, 2005, Milton van der Veen said: >I was setting up an account for a youngster and didn't want him to be >able to browse the web but did want him to be able to use email. I used >the Some Limits > Limitations tab to turn off Safari and I turned on >Mail and Quicktime Player. > >Then I logged into the account and -- sure enough -- when I clicked on >Safari in the dock it told me I was not allowed to use it. > >But when I went to Quicktime Player I was invited to watch Steve Jobs' >keynote so I clicked on the button and Safari opened up. ?????? > >I imagine the same thing would happen if I clicked on a link in Mail. > >So, how do I remove web browsing? Do I have to remove Safari from the >machine or is there something I'm missing here? > >Milton > > >