In my little home network of 3 powerbooks and one PC desktop, with at most 2 users on the network at any one time, I need to add a "server." I put it in quotes because I'm not sure I really need OS X Server software ($500) nor a dedicated Mac to run it (at least $500 for a Mac mini). But if I do, I do. Thought I'd see if anyone here has jury-rigged anything successfully, or can suggest a solution that either a) lets me install the server software on one of the underused Mac laptops; or b) lets me use a Mac mini or underused Mac laptop as a server, no server software required. I've been reading that there's very little functional difference between a computer running Mac OS X Server software and a Mac running OS X (client). Thoughts? Here's the reason I want to set this up; I need shared read/write access to the same files from Macs and PC ... this would for some "work off the server" sort of set up.. e.g., an FMPro dbase sitting on the server, Now Up to Date "public calendar server" database, Adobe VersionCue projects running on the server, Retrospect backing up everyone's home folder to an external drive, etc. I know it's possible for much of this to run on a user's computer, but these are laptops and they often leave the building, so I need something that will always be available on the net. Would SharePoint set up on one of those underused powerbooks work? (they're underused because they're old and slow ... PB Lombard with a 6 GB hard drive and no firewire, Titanium PB 400 ghz ... ) thx for any thoughts AM