On Jul 6, 2005, at 4:00 pm, Robert A. (Bob) Hall wrote: > I would like to receive recommendations for a wireless printer server, > please. > ---For use with OS 10.4.9 (and Tiger in the future) and easy to set up. Any chance you could clarify your needs? Is this for connection to a printer with a parallel port or a USB port? My experience of stand-alone "print servers" is that I tried a Netgear USB print server to connect my Canon Pixima to a wired ethernet network & had no joy at all, even with a PC and despite the claims that "it's compatible with most USB port printers" and "compatible with any brand of home networking equipment". Although I was able to pass the print server on without a loss, I'd be pretty cautious about purchasing in this area in the future. IMHO what you really want here is a printer with either built-in wireless networking <http://makeashorterlink.com/?H5163136B> <http://makeashorterlink.com/?U1062536B> or one built-in wired ethernet and a separate wireless bridge <http://www.netgear.com/products/details/ME101.php>. If the iP4000R had been available when I needed remote inkjet printing then it would have certainly been the one chosen; FWIW this printer is sold in the US without the direct CD-printing feature (it is not merely disabled, and is impossible to retro-fit), but there are reasonably-priced suppliers who import UK models. My negative experience is that just plugging a printer server into your current inkjet is not guaranteed to work - you should certainly research carefully others' experiences with different models. Incidentally, I've recently discovered figures indicating that if you're currently printing black & white on an inkjet, then a £50 second-hand laser-printer <http://makeashorterlink.com/?O6763536B> will pay for itself in only 200 sheets! IMHO if you have the space for a second printer then you really shouldn't be doing any black & white printing at all on an inkjet. Stroller.