[X4U] Re: Apple's move to Intel chips

Jeffrey Stormshak jsstormshak at comcast.net
Thu Jun 9 08:34:08 PDT 2005

Yes, that *fabulous* VPC7 Product that is hardcoded to only use (512) 
MB of System RAM regardless of how much RAM my G5 has...  The one  
where it raped me of $125.00.  With no documentation nor  
Advertisement that this and among other features where purposely left  
out so it can ship from MS on time...  PS:  I haven't found where I  
can even update this (no cost) so that it will use whatever RAM that  
I set within the Setting Configuration.

What's even worst... I needed it for only (1) Win-based Product and  
guess what...  It doesn't execute in that VPC7 environment.

Just another sucker whose wallet is now dry...

On Jun 8, 2005, at 11:23 PM, Timothy Luoma wrote:

> On Jun 6, 2005, at 8:48 PM, Ted Burton wrote:
>> Mac-centric folks can still buy Apple. And an Appletel  box  can  
>> run Windows software in an Mac-centric shop. No one needs Virtual PC.
> If you want a Mac OS and Windows apps, you'll still need VirtualPC.
> And I'd still like to hear Microsoft say they plan to develop it.
> TjL
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