[X4U] Help - Powerbook woes!

Matt Gregory vdub.grego at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 07:37:07 PDT 2005

This sounds somewhat like what happend to an old HP laptop I have. It's 
battery was completely dead and would only function when plugged in. Is it 
possible that the battery is kaput? Maybe run it by an Apple store and see 
if they will let you borrow a battery and see if your problems go away ...


On 6/8/05, Peter Payne <peter2 at jlist.com> wrote:
> I've got a problem with my Powerbook 17 inch 1.5 ghz. After using it
> in a car with a Kensington car adapter, it suddenly will shut off
> instantly whenever the power plug is plugged or unplugged -- either
> one. It shuts off and also loses its settings like clock, and thinks
> it's 1969. I reset the power manager and pram and it's still doing
> it. If I set the clock correctly, then reboot (but leave the plug
> in), it keeps the clock time okay, but any pulling out of the plug
> causes the machine to lose everything. Is there anything else I can
> try?!
> --
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