[X4U] Mac Equivalents of Windows apps (was Re: Apple's move to Intel chips)

Ted Burton egburton at cableone.net
Fri Jun 10 07:45:53 PDT 2005

At 5:50 AM -0700 on 6/10/05, Robert Ameeti spoke about Re: [X4U] Mac 
Equivalents of Windows apps (was Re: Apple's  thusly:

>Every petroleum company uses PCs which then flows all the way down 
>to their gas stations.

I have been in a number of oil offices where the PC sits on the 
bookcase and the desktop is occupied by a Mac ... Some thought their 
IT people were unaware that they had made the switch. Armed with my 
Mac experience generated confidence, I remember installing software 
on my PC myself, and having IT come around and be astonished the job 
was already done.  it's a whole different world there, with an 
incredible lobby of sorts  supporting it. IT becomes a kind of 

The conventional wisdom in many fields is the PC, and for that fact I 
give the credit to IBM's original PC which was 'economically and 
politically correct' coming from Big Blue -- white collar, gray suit 
folks knowing nothing about computers could simply say "IBM" as the 
talisman of a correct IT decision.

And of course if you wish an application which will apply the 
cultural equivalent of a left-handed wrench to the field of 
Egyptology of the Hyksos period, it will exist for the PC. It will do 
the prescribed task perfectly, but absolutely nothing else. The 
Egyptologist wouldn't want to take the time to create it with Excel. 
All that highly specialized stuff could safely be created for 
something IBM started. IBM is forever, folks thought.  Once started, 
it has never stopped.

I was in an office one time that decided to go with Wang rather than 
Apple because they could trust Wang to still be around. <sigh>

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