[X4U] Mac Equivalents of Windows apps (was Re: Apple's move to Intel chips)

. Y . Robert at Ameeti.net
Fri Jun 10 09:13:31 PDT 2005

At 6:02 PM +0200, 6/10/05, Paul Moortgat wrote:

>15000 programs on the Mac and not enough.  One can't please them all.

What people miss though with that way of thinking is of all of the 
vertically written applications that will forever be PC. How many gas 
stations are in the U.S.? Every single one of them is running a PC 
program that is not store bought but rather developed by the big oil 
company and handed to each gas station owner and told to use it. They 
must buy a PC. Same thing with every Subway, McDonalds etc. Same with 
every State Farm, Allstate, etc.

You've got to get out of thinking all programs can be bought from Amazon.

Robert Ameeti

I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't.

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