On 6/12/05 12:10 PM, "John Baltutis" <baltwo at san.rr.com> wrote: > This led me to search Apple's Developer site > <http://developer.apple.com/macosx/> for webkit programming. That led to > Web Kit Objective-C Programming Guide at > <http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DisplayWebContent/i > ndex.html>. > Knowing that all web related applications use bits and pieces from this, > led me to "Managing History" which pointed to the > /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/WebHistory.h > file. That file contains the various WebHistoryItems, so I concluded any of > those could be added to the the Safari plist (drop it on TextEdit and you > can read the details). One of those was historyAgeInDaysLimit which I > changed to WebKitHistoryAgeInDaysLimit to conform to other Safari plist > items. Great John - nice too see the pathway to genius! -- Thanks - RevDave CoolCat at hostalive.com [db-lists]