Using 10.3.9 - I have a small network of a few Macs (with some external FireWire drives attached) and PC's. Question: what the best ownership and permission settings for the Internal and FireWire drives? you can = read and write owner = xxx? access = xxx? group = xxx? access = xxx? others = xxx? Also: as I understand it, it is a bad idea generally to check = " ignore ownership on this volume" ... True? Knowing this, several months back I made sure that none of my hard drives add this option checked ... However, I just look again and some of them were checked ... And no one but me uses my computer's. I regularly repair disk permissions and occasionally run disk warrior ... So - what could have switched this? I rarely used cocktail or tinkertool ... Could they have done something? -- Thanks - RevDave CoolCat at [db-lists]