[X4U] 64 vs 32 was...Re: move to Intel

Ted Burton egburton at cableone.net
Wed Jun 15 10:47:42 PDT 2005

At 10:06 AM -0400 on 6/15/05, Richard Gilmore spoke about Re: [X4U] 
64 vs 32 was...Re: move to Intel thusly:

>That's what I mean one's 32 bit and the other 64 but if the "bits" 
>don't matter and 64s are actually slower why's my iMac G5 faster?

As I understand it, apps have to be written to take advantage of the 
64 -- many current apps simply do not use the full width.

The G4 and the G5 have differences between them not limited to the 
width of the data path.

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