[X4U] Re: Outlook PC -> Mac

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Thu Jun 16 09:12:55 PDT 2005

On Jun 16, 2005, at 8:51 AM, Paul Moortgat wrote:

> What's the best method to transfer the PC Outlook data to Mini Mac?
> I thought to write a CD on the PC and then import (copy?) them on  
> the Mac.

If they are networked, you could share the folder.

> Where on PC can I find these data?

Depends on the version of Windows I suppose, but in XP I would assume  
it is under c:\documents and settings\your-username\application data

Be sure that you have Windows Explorer set to show you all files.

I believe that you are looking for file(s) ending in .pst

You might also see if Outlook has an EXPORT function.


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