[X4U] OT-Java driven radiology site not working (demo code in post)

Lars Bertelsen lbe at mac.com
Mon Jun 20 12:05:48 PDT 2005

Hm... Here's your problem!
Safari states that:

"The page "Radiology Imaging Powered by NeuroStar 
Solutions, Inc." has content of MIME type 
"application/x-java-bean". Because you don't have 
a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this 
content can't be displayed."

What this means is that Safari doesn't know what 
to do with the Java object in the page.
Try it with Firefox and it works fine!

It is not clear how you change the Mime types in 
Safari... I'd start looking in the forums on 
Apple's support site.

Another thing to try would be to try and change 
the mime-type in the java object to applet in 
stead of bean. That might work.
You'd then need to set up some sort of browser 
detection to make sure only Safari got this hack 
presented, but then that's life for a web 
developer! ;-)


Trigono ApS
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