[X4U] OT-Java driven radiology site (correction)

Lars Bertelsen lbe at mac.com
Mon Jun 20 13:49:53 PDT 2005

I was a bit to quick off the mark here; in 
Firefox, the page loads without the eor message. 
But the applet in the main frame doesn't seem to 
load correctly.
One thing that comes to mind is that you are 
java-scripting the applet; I don't think that's 
supported on the Mac. That would be why yopu get 
the javascript errors.
Another is the codebase in the java applet:

that does look a bit Windows specific to me...
Mind you, I have litle practical experience with 
applets, so I may be dead wrong. Personally, I 
try to do my Java on the server, specifically to 
avoid this sort of browser-hell which almost 
always pops up with applets.
BTW, I'd expect you to see problems with Windows 
XP security too; it usually doesn't seem to like 
you to javascript applets across frames...


>Hm... Here's your problem!
>Safari states that:
>"The page "Radiology Imaging Powered by 
>NeuroStar Solutions, Inc." has content of MIME 
>type "application/x-java-bean". Because you 
>don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME 
>type, this content can't be displayed."
>What this means is that Safari doesn't know what 
>to do with the Java object in the page.
>Try it with Firefox and it works fine!
>It is not clear how you change the Mime types in 
>Safari... I'd start looking in the forums on 
>Apple's support site.
>Another thing to try would be to try and change 
>the mime-type in the java object to applet in 
>stead of bean. That might work.
>You'd then need to set up some sort of browser 
>detection to make sure only Safari got this hack 
>presented, but then that's life for a web 
>developer! ;-)
>Trigono ApS
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Trigono ApS
Bülowsvej 3, 1870 Frederiksberg C
Tlf: 33 25 10 70
Fax: 33 25 10 72

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