[X4U] Powerbook screen too dark outside

revDAVE coolcat at hostalive.com
Tue Jun 28 08:45:42 PDT 2005

On 6/27/05 7:23 AM, "Brian Lalor" <blalor at bravo5.org> wrote:

>  From what I've seen, the displays are sharper and brighter inside,
> and I'm expecting similar performance outside.

Recently I went to a computer store to look at PC laptops myself.  And I
notice that basically there were two types of screens - the older ones -
that were non glare -  and the newer ones that have a shiny glare surface.
The salesperson said that most of the new computers have this glare surface
- that looks extra crisp - however it was driving me crazy because of all
the reflections from the lights.  Personally I would much rather have one of
the older non glare screens...

Thanks - RevDave
CoolCat at hostalive.com

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