[X4U] iChat error

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Wed Mar 2 23:05:32 PST 2005

At 17:50 +1100 3/3/05, Brett Conlon wrote:
>My mum has been given both a .mac name and an AIM name but when we set up
>either account in the prefs and she tries to double click on my name in
>her iChat buddy list she receives the below error.
>iChat Internal Error!
>NSConcreteMutableAttributedString addAttribute:
>value:range:: nil value
>I see her become active/inactive in my buddy list when she logs in and out
>(under both accounts). When I try initiating a message it seems to be
>working at my end (no errors) but she doesn't receive anything at her end.
>I did receive a request to audio chat but I declined it because we were
>Skyping at the time trying to set up her iChat. Perhaps that may not have
>worked either.
>Any thoughts?
>btw, She's just moved over to broadband.

Both running 2.1?


Mark (}-:
+61 (0)4 1927 7198
Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

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