[X4U] Old firewire drive

FC Farwell frankfarwell at mac.com
Fri Mar 4 05:11:46 PST 2005

On Mar 3, 2005, at 11:00 PM, x4u-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com 

> From: Allan Rube ?  <allan at nhbungalow.com>
> Thanks Silvo. I did that and it still is not working. I am not sure,
> however, if the ac adapter I was using was the one that came with the 
> drive.
> I will have to go to Radio Shack with the drive and the a 12volt dc 
> adapter
> that fits snuggly.
> Allan
> silvo conticello wrote:
>> If I remember correctly this was an issue with 10.3.7 (or 10.3.6?)....


I may have missed something here.
But after upgrading to 10.3.8 I had a similar problem I used Disk 
Warrior on my firewire drive and it worked fine again. (of course this 
assumes your FW drive is running and it's not a power problem).

FC Farwell

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